Winter 2025

Loppet Roundup

Upcoming Loppet Programming

Lets talk about winter programming with The Loppet! Winter programming registration will go live on Tuesday, October 1 at 9 a.m.

Click the links below to learn more about the programs themselves, and if you want to be emailed directly with links to register, be sure to get on our mailing list ASAP!

Registration for most programs opens Tuesday, October 1. See below for a list of every program offered by age range.

Check out the following web pages for more information on specific program offerings and registration links:

For Youth and Juniors (7-18):

  • Trail Kids Beginner Nordic Ski Clinics – Multiple dates. The clinics are designed for beginners and will focus on teaching the fundamental skills of classic ski or skate ski technique.
    • Activities Include: Technique drills, relays, and games on skis
    • Skill level: Beginners
    • Age Range: 7-13
  • Trail Kids 5 Week Classic Ski Session – Two sessions, Hyland or Theo Wirth Park. Trail Kids offers two five-week sessions for families that want a shorter time commitment and/or to focus on one discipline.
    • Activities Include: classic ski techniques
    • Skill level: Novice – Intermediate
    • Age Range: 7-13
  • Trail Kids 5 Week Skate Ski Session – Two sessions, Hyland or Theo Wirth Park. Trail Kids offers two five-week sessions for families that want a shorter time commitment and/or to focus on one discipline.
    • Activities Include: skate ski techniques
    • Skill level: Novice – Intermediate
    • Age Range: 7-13
  • Trail Kids 10 Week Classic + Skate Ski Program – January 7 – March 13. These sessions meet twice a week for ten weeks, focusing on both classic and skate ski techniques (classic and skate equipment needed to participate in these sessions).
    • Activities Include: skate and classic ski lessons
    • Skill Level: Novice – Intermediate
    • Age Range: 7-13
  • LNR Juniors Development Team – Training for young nordic skiers interested in ski racing. Raced focus training, but will include games, agility, and some strength training. Athletes transition from Trail Kids to LNR DEVO team as they improve fitness and technique and develop and interest in racing.
    • Activities Include: nordic ski technique, physical conditioning
    • Skill Level: Intermediate – Advanced
    • Age Range: 13 – 16
  • LNR Juniors Competition Team – The LNR competition team for 16-19 year olds will continue to be focused on year round training with the goal of competing regionally and nationally.
    • Activities Include: nordic ski technique, physical conditioning, year round program
    • Skill Level: Advanced only
    • Age Range: 16 – 19
  • LCW Juniors Off Season Training: Off-season training program for junior cyclists looking to enhance their competence on the bike through a structured training regimen consisting of sport-specific strength and circuit training. Indoor cycling programming using smart-trainer technology. LCW will provide a smart trainer for those that don’t have them (this is limited to 10).
    • Activities Include: strength, circuit training
    • Skill Level: Beginner – Advanced
    • Age range: 11-17

For Adults (18+):

  • Adult Strength for Endurance Athletes: Focuses on building a solid base for nordic skiing, running, and other endurance sports by utilizing body weight movements, barbells, free weights, and plyometrics.
    • Activities Include: strength training
    • Skill Level: Beginner – advanced
  • LNR Adults Beginner Skate Racers: Gung-Ho Beginners Skate will tackle new elements of skate technique every week. It is expected that these athletes are in good physical condition and will therefore work on technique and tackle some significant ski specific training each week.
    • Activities: skate ski technique and ski specific workouts
    • Skill Level: beginner- have xc skied before with little or no instruction
    • Fitness Level: high level of fitness – eg, runners, cyclists,
  • LNR Adult Beginner Classic Racers: Gung-Ho Beginners Classic will tackle new elements of classic technique every week. It is expected that these athletes are in good physical condition and therefore work on technique and tackle some significant ski specific training each week.
    • Activities: classic ski technique
    • Skill Level: beginner, have xc skied before with little or no instruction
    • Fitness Level: high level of fitness – eg, runners, cyclists,
  • LNR Adult Beginner/Intermediate Skate Racers: This skate-only group will do physically challenging workouts while supplementing sessions with technique instruction. Training will focus on skiers looking to train for a 30-50km race.
    • Activities Include: working on downhill skills, uphill climbing intervals, technique learning
    • Skill Level: Beginner – Intermediate
  • LNR Adults Intermediate Skate: This skate-only group will do physically challenging workouts while supplementing sessions with technique instruction. Training will focus on skiers looking to train for a 30-50km race.
    • Activities Include: skate skiing workouts with an emphasis on Agility + Balance instruction
    • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • LNR Adults Intermediate Classic: This classic only group will include both physical and technical workouts to prepare you for classic racing. Become a more efficient skier by improving technique and increasing classic specific strength. Training will focus on 30-50km races.
    • Activities Include: technique instruction, physical training, intervals, specific ski strength
    • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • LNR Adult Intermediate/Advanced Classic: Make strides in classical skiing. This classic only session will include both physical and technical workouts to prepare you for a classic racing. Training will focus on 30-50 km races.
    • Activities Include: technique instruction, physical training, intervals, specific ski strength
    • Skill Level: Intermediate – Advanced
  • LNR Adults Women’s Wednesday Group (Technique and Fitness Training): This group of women has many years of skiing experience but  is not focused on racing. Skiers in this group are interested in improving technique and fitness with others.
    • Activities Include: technique, fitness, skate and classic ski
    • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • LNR Adults Women’s Wednesday Group (Intermediate/Advanced Skate & Classic Skiing): This intermediate to advanced women’s training group will do physically challenging workouts while also working on technique instruction. We’ll cover all skate and classic techniques.
    • Activities Include: technique, physical training, weekly intervals, ski strength
    • Skill Level: Intermediate – Advanced
  • LNR Adults Mens Wave 1 Advanced Skate Training: Intensive skate skiing workouts and technique instruction. We’ll cover all skate techniques, and spend time on downhills, cornering, transitions, mass start strategies, and pacing. Training will focus on 30-50km races.
    • Activities Include: intervals, ski strength, drills
    • Skill Level: Advanced
    • Fitness Level:  for those with a high level of fitness
  • LNR Adults Women’s Advanced Skate: Advance skate group with a focus on intervals. We will start with the technical pieces with drills and work on carrying these skills over into the interval/intensity portion of the workout to follow. Training will focus on 30-50km races.
    • Activities Include: intervals, ski strength, drills
    • Skill Level: Advanced
  • Loppet Ski Club: Is designed for people who are new to cross country skiing or want to become better recreational skiers. Many who join the club are skiing for the first time, are looking to ski with other people, or are simply trying to find a way to love winter in Minnesota! Others have been long-time skiers but have never had a lesson or training program.
    • Activities Include: skate and classic ski techniques, skills training
    • Skill Level: intro, intermediate
    • Fitness Level: casual, recreational

Coming Later this Fall:

  • LNR Adults Beginning Skate Skiing 2 Week Clinic: Learn the basics of skate skiing over a 2 week progressive skills course.
    • Activities: skate ski
    • Skill Level: Beginner, have never skied before, or only a few times
    • Registration opens November 8
  • LNR Adults Beginning Classic Skiing 2 Week Clinic: Learn the basics of classic skiing over a 2 week progressive skills course.
    • Activities: classic ski
    • Skill Level: Beginner, have never skied before, or only a few times
    • Registration opens November 8
  • Ski Lessons:
    • Group Ski Lessons : The Loppet Foundation partners with the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board to provide lessons and learning opportunities at Wirth Park. The Loppet Foundation is a PSIA Certified Ski School. Group lessons are 1.5 hrs long.
      • Age Range: 14+
    • Private & Family Ski Lessons: 90 min private lessons offered every day of the week at The Trailhead in Theodore Wirth Park. Private lessons are taught by a PSIA certified instructor and they will personalize the level of skills and drills to match your skill level and aspirations. Their goal is to increase your skill, efficiency and joy of skiing in either classic or skate techniques. Private lessons include the use video feedback to analyze body position, fundamental skills and timing.
      • Age Range: 7+
    • Beginner Two Week Cross-Country Ski Skill Classes: Spend a little more time learning the basic techniques of both skate and classic skiing.  We hope that this format will give you a stronger foundation from which to continue your pursuit of skiing! Open to new skiers or those hoping to improve their skills.
      • Age Range: 18+
    • Book your lessons starting November 8
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