Adult Yoga for Endurance Athletes

This intermediate yoga class series will be based in Hatha tradition with a focus on a gentle flow between poses, flexibility, balance and strength. It will be geared toward the athlete who wants to supplement their training routine as well for those who want to explore and deepen their yoga practice. With a focus on finding steadiness and alignment in poses, this hour long class is a perfect complement to the runner, skier and biker alike.
The class will be taught by Christine Aas-Larson who has been an active participant in the Loppet skiing, running and biking community. Christine has her 200 hour yoga certification through Yoga Alliance and has completed additional training in Yin Yoga. She finds her yoga practice to be a grounding force for all her athletic endeavors and loves sharing yoga with others.
For times when Christine can’t be there, we have two experienced instructors who may substitute, Karen Aaron and Lynne Cecil. The Fall is a great time to be outside and we generally can host our yoga sessions on the turf thru late October.
Winter Session- runs 9 weeks, Starting September 4th
- Day/Time: Wednesdays, 12noon-1pm
- Dates: September 4th – October 30
- Where: The Trailhead Great Room and when weather permits, outside on the Studio Turf
- What to bring: we suggest you bring your own yoga mat. we do have spares yoga mats in case you forget your mat.
- Coach: Christine Aas-Larson, christine.larson1023@gmail.com.