LNR Adults
Spring Strength for Endurance Athletes
The Adult Strength for Endurance Athletes Spring Session will primarily focus on building a solid base for endurance sports utilizing body weight movements, barbells, kettle bells, free weights, and plyometrics. Most sessions will begin with a focus on movement mechanics, utilizing stairs, hurdles, and agility ladders to focus on improving running/movement patterns.
Participants will learn to use correct technique for movements through hands on instruction. Basic Olympic lifts like deadlift, squat, and clean will be covered. A large focus for the spring session will be mobility and agility. Whether you are new to strength or have been incorporating it for years, this will be a beneficial course to improve your endurance sport performance.
Dates: 9 week program. Group limited to 16 athletes.
Where: The Trailhead Studio – we will meet outside on the turf area. Until further notice, masks are required.
Coach: Piotr Bednarski (bednarski@loppet.org) and Beth Ann Chamberlain
Cost: $180 for one day/week, $280 for two days/week
April 12th – June 10:
- Mondays from 6:30am – 7:45am (Session does not meet on Memorial Day on Monday, May 31st)
- Thursdays from 8:00am – 9:15pm
- Thursdays from 6:30am – 7:45am
April 28th – June 30th
- Wednesdays from 1pm – 2:15pm
Necessary Equipment to bring with you
- waterbottle
- joga mat
- face covering
NOTE: Test Drive – Contact Piotr Bednarski at bednarski@loppet.org if you would like to attend the first session before registering.
Virtual Option: Athletes should inquire about virtual classes. We can offer virtual options, but the range of equipment needed may make virtual difficult for you to do at home unless you have a fair amount of equipment. Please contact bednarski@loppet.org if you are interested in virtual.
Register Now!