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Skyline on a ski… Fat Tire-Freestyle Loppet award

IMG_0864What do biking and skiing have in common?  The  GLIDE!

Those who love the self propulsion of skiing and the grit and grind of winter biking are encouraged to come out for the ride of their lives…

Compete in both the Loppet Freestyle event and the Penn Cycle Fat Tire Loppet and be eligible for the glory of the glide, the ultimate ride on the trails, and the Minneapolis skyline sandwiched between a ski and a bike rim…

Yes- this year’s award for the Fittest Fattest Fasted Athlete is a one of a kind recycled piece of artwork handmade and donated by Beau Layman of Richfield Penn Cycle.  This award will be given out to the most hardcore male and female who do the 35k Freestyle ski race in the morning and the Penn Fat Tire Loppet in the afternoon with the fastest combined times.

The award is made of bike and ski parts.  What are you made of?