Parkway Pedestrian/Ski Bridge
To increase trail accessibility and safety, the Loppet Foundation is exploring building a bridge over Theodore Wirth Parkway to connect the Eloise Butler and Quaking Bog sections of the park. This bridge is currently contemplated in Theodore Wirth Master Plan and has been a part of the vision for bringing together the Butler/Bog sections of the park in a seamless and safe way.
This bridge will also serve as a welcome to visitors to the park entering from the southside and will allow a pedestrian/skier friendly connection We believe this bridge is essential for many reasons:
We believe this bridge is essential for many reasons:
- SAFETY – Currently skiers must take off skis to cross the Parkway to access the Bog skiing trails – this is incredibly unsafe in the winter when roads can be icy and the traffic more congested at this intersection.
- BETTER PARK EXPERIENCE – This bridge will create a better park experience for users – allowing these two unique and beautiful sections of Theodore Wirth to be enjoyed without disruption to the experience of being in the natural environment.
Thanks to the support of the of the LHB Corp (a local design agency and friend of the Loppet) we are working on a design and hope to have a clear picture of costs and timeline soon. Stay tuned for more information on this exciting project and how you can get involved! Questions or want to learn more? Contact